看了令人感動!    生活應是如此的美好,與您分享~~~~


三月底在比利時安特衛普中央車站,路人大跳《真善美》主題曲「Do Re Mi」。




上午八點人來嚷往的安特衛普中央車站,每個人不是趕著上班就是上學,但空中卻飄來茱莉安德魯絲演唱「Do Re Mi」的嘹喨歌聲,接著便看到一對父女,開始跳起電影裡的「Do Re Mi」舞蹈,其後一個接一個的路人也紛紛加入,最後成了集合200個人的龐大陣容,在中央車站大跳「Do Re Mi」。


令人感動的是,由於這首歌老少咸宜,當時趕上班趕上學的民眾,幾乎全都停下來,開心地跟著唱唱跳跳,難能可貴的是,這群「職業路人」在表演之前,竟 Total 只練習過二次,還能如此精準表演出電影裡的片段,難怪演出之後可以博得滿堂彩,並在 YouTube 吸引了上百萬點閱人次哦,實在太精采。


《真善美》(The Sound of Music)該劇的Do Re Mi 傳唱至世界各地,亦被翻譯唱成各國語言版本。










Maria: Let's start at the very beginning

A very good place to start.

When you read you begin with?

Grett: A-B-C.

Maria: When you sing you begin with Do-Re-Mi

Children: Do-Re-Mi

Maria: Do-Re-Mi

The first three notes just happen to be


Children: Do-Re-Mi

Maria: Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti

**Doe- a deer, a female deer

Ray- a drop of golden sun

Me- a name I call myself

Far- a long, long way to run

Sew- a needle pulling thread

La- a note follow sew

Tea- a drink with jam and bread

That will bring us back to Do oh oh oh

(**Repeat twice)

Maria: Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do

Now, children, Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So and so on are only

the tools we use to build a song.

Once you have these notes in your head

you can sing a million different tunes,

by .mixing them up like this

Uh, So-Do-La-Fa- Mi-Do-Re

Children: So-Do-La-Fa- Mi-Do-Re

Maria: So-Do-La-Ti-Do-Re-Do

Children: So-Do-La-Ti-Do-Re-Do



Doe- a deer, a female deer

Ray- a drop of golden sun

Me- a name I call myself

Far- a long, long way to run

Sew- a needle pulling thread

La- a note follow sew

Tea- a drink with jam and bread

That will bring us back to

Maria& Children: So-Do-La-Fa- Mi-Do-Re

Maria& Children: So-Do-La-Fa-


Maria: Ti---


Children: La-So-Fa-Mi-Re

Maria: Ti Do
Children: So- Do





今夜,與Q比一起分享Do Re Mi, 嘹亮的聲音與輕快的節奏,令我倆母女很想牽手翩翩起舞  很可愛的歌,希望您也喜歡















    創作者 瑪奇朵布蕾 的頭像


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